Body the Beautiful

Art is different from Nature with that it has a human point of view. Human body might be a result of myriads of human cells dividing (in a human body nearly two trillion cells divide each day) but the vantage point from where you view it will determine your conclusion: is this body beautiful or not?

I have not studied Art, I only practiced one form of Art (animation) for last 20 years so I can barely talk about Art and I can barely draw. But that doesn't preclude me from having a point of view.

Humans develop a point of view on a bare human body with the help of nude beaches and their bedrooms. A point of view on human bodies in nude beaches: - Eek! A Bedroom point of view: -Whee!

But there is another place where to form a point of view on human body: a life drawing studio. Few years ago I started going to life drawing to see if it would improve my animation work (it did!). I am still not very good at it because I just can't make myself to see the anatomical structure formed by bones under all the skin and fat, because the moment the human model takes clothes off and steps on the small podium front of the small group of artists I go: -Ah! A strong emotion of awe, amazement and gratitude swell in my chest and tears flow to my eyes obstructing the view.

In that light, on that podium a human body seems like a temple, a mysterious vessel full of unreachable divinity. 

Then the model takes a pose and the timer beeps, indicating a start of one minute pose. You have one minute to capture the Magic, the Mystery, the Divine and put it in a jar like a butterfly. But, like a butterfly, the Magic is evasive. I end up with nothing in my jar, just smudges of lead. 

One minute attempt

One minute attempt

Then the model takes another one minute pose and you start the chase again.

Sometimes, but rarely, I show my drawings to other people, like to you today. I am ashamed of my inability to draw because people assume as an artist I am better at life drawing than I really am. But this particular model (see below) was so amazing that I thought my drawings were particularly inspired and I dared to show these sketches to a friend (not an artist).

- Why does she feel so proud? - he asked. - There is nothing ideal about her shape.

I was stung, as if he insulted me personally.

- She was the most beautiful model I have seen in a long time, - I said. - And part of her beauty was being so confident. She was channeling the light from within and from Above.

- I just think she should be more realistic and humble about her body, - he replied.

Two minute pose

Two minute pose

Quick pose

Quick pose

We may have two trillion cells that divide every day and miraculously we never fall apart as a result of those divisions,  but who will protect us from each other's opinions and points of view?